Conference & Events

13:30 p.m. - 17:00 p.m.
Kerry Hotel Pudong, Pudong Hall
The Second International Consumer Electronics Industry Development Summit
With an international perspective, this summit aims to promote the profound development of the consumer electronics industry, strengthen domestic and international exchanges and cooperation in the field of smart products, nurture a favorable industry and market environment, and establish a healthy industry ecosystem. Together, we will explore the current status, market trends, and technological application prospects of the smart consumer electronics industry.
13:30 p.m. - 16:30 p.m.
Kerry Hotel Pudong, Pudong Hall
Smart IoT Innovation Community High-Quality Co-construction
The Intelligent IoT Innovation Forum focuses on the empowerment of smart life through intelligent IoT. It starts from high-frequency and urgent community convenient living scenarios, explores the digital transformation mode of all elements of technology, industry chain, and business models, and realizes the form of community application and replication promotion of consumer electronics. The organizers invite leading officials in pilot street towns, co-construction units in industry chain, and technology elites to jointly develop a service standard system for intelligent IoT services that are usable, manageable, and user-friendly through community application scenarios such as "Ladder Installation Matter", "Intelligent Health Care". This aims to guide the digital transformation and upgrading of community construction, operation, development, and management, and explore high-quality implementation paths and mechanisms for collaborative construction of intelligent IoT innovation communities.
13:30 p.m. - 16:10 p.m.
Kerry Hotel Pudong, Pudong Hall
Smart Headphones Development Sub-Forum
The forum, with the theme of "Smart Manufacturing | New Sound", bringing together industry experts and entrepreneurs to look into the future of the headphones market and brand from the perspective of R&D experts, and to discuss the global development trend of smart headphones, leading the future development of smart headphones.
Bluetooth SIG will interpret how the new Bluetooth function will change the audio experience of headphones, the experts from different smart headphone brands will focus on the topics of bone conduction headphones, TWS headphones, OWS headphones and AI headphones, share the long-term growth strategy of the headphone brand, new form headphones and segmentation scene, explore the market and industry growth momentum of different types of headphones, predict emerging hotspots and development space, and look for structural opportunities for the industry and enterprises.
13:30 p.m. - 16:20 p.m.
Shanghai New International Expo Center, Venue N2, Conference Area
Forum on Ecological Development of Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry
Intelligent connected vehicle is becoming the intersection of multiple innovation fields. The ecosystem they have formed includes: implementation of artificial intelligence technology, development of the industrial Internet, iteration of 5G communication, exploration of intelligent manufacturing, application of new energy, and management of smart transportation and smart cities. As a new development supporter for the automotive industry, intelligent network connectivity has gradually become a breakthrough for the ecological transform of the automotive industry and the comprehensive reshaping of the competition pattern.
Under the theme of “Ecological Development of Intelligent Connected Vehicles”, we invite automakers, system suppliers, chip designers and enterprises of park demonstration application to exchange and discuss on the topics of intelligent driving, smart cockpits platform and demonstration application to build industrial ecology and create more new opportunities for the industry.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Shanghai New International Expo Center, N1 Exhibition Hall, Dream Home Scene Area
Community Smart Healthcare and Elderly Care Symposium
In order to implement the important instructions and directives of General Secretary Xi Jinping on elderly care work and the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on elderly care work, and to continuously deepen the implementation of the spirit of the National Elderly Work Conference, as well as the work deployments of "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening Elderly Care Work in the New Era," "National Medium and Long-Term Plan for Active Response to Population Aging," and "14th Five-Year Plan for National Elderly Career Development and Elderly Care Service System Planning." This symposium will invite leaders from the National Aging Office (China National Committee on Aging), leaders of the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce, representatives of the China Electronics Chamber of Commerce Smart Healthcare and Elderly Care Special Committee member units, representatives of community neighborhood committees from various parts of the country, representatives of elderly care service institutions, representatives from Shanghai's community neighborhoods and elderly care institutions. They will discuss the current status and development direction of China's smart healthcare and elderly care industry, under the theme "Empowering Elderly Care with Intelligence," fostering face-to-face exchanges and jointly exploring the development path and prospects of China's community smart healthcare and elderly care industry.
09:30 a.m. – 17:10 p.m.
Kerry Hotel Pudong, Pudong Hall
The 6th CIOC Summit
The world is currently undergoing unprecedented changes, and the internal and external environment for the development of China's digital economy is undergoing profound transformations. Innovations in digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain are active, and digital transformation is progressing deeply. Traditional industries are accelerating their transformation and upgrading towards intelligence, sustainability, and integration, while new industries, formats, and models are flourishing. At this moment when the real estate industry is undergoing profound changes, we should not only continue to accelerate the digital transformation and optimization of traditional real estate businesses but also rethink and explore new industry tracks and development opportunities created by the organic integration of the real estate industry and the digital economy from a broader and more comprehensive industry perspective. We should truly promote the integration and innovation of digital technology with real estate industry application scenarios and business models to comprehensively enhance production efficiency in the real estate industry.
09:00 a.m. – 17:00 p.m.
Kerry Hotel Pudong, Pudong Hall
Metaverse and Digital Economy Development Conference
The digital economy has emerged as a new engine for the global economy, and the comprehensive advancement in digital technologies is accelerating. The ongoing century-defining transformation continues to evolve, ushering in a new stage of development driven by a productivity revolution. This stage demands various needs, such as more freely spatiotemporal experiences, richer content generation, enhanced computing power, and much more profound digital governance. These demands present all industries with opportunities and challenges for disruptive innovation. The metaverse represents the first spatiotemporal form capable of taking on the mission of merging the virtual and real worlds, making it the core carrier of the digital economy. The commercial space it offers is vast and unprecedented. This conference will invite industry experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs to share the latest practices in metaverse and digital economy from diverse perspectives, including technology, models, applications, governance, and future trends. Let’s explore the cutting-edge developments and achievements together!
14:00 p.m. – 17:00 p.m.
Shanghai New International Expo Center, Venue N1, Conference Area
2023 Future Enterprise Informationization Eco-Innovation Summit
With the acceleration of digital construction in recent years and the rapid development of AI, artificial intelligence is gradually replacing human labor as the emerging workforce, accelerating the digital process, and increasing productivity. In light of the development trends and prospects of enterprises driven by the digital wave over the next decade, leaders of software and hardware manufacturers and service providers involved in the development of the digital process, experts who have been working on equipment manufacturing for years, as well as researchers and experts in the field of AI, will delve into the above topics and unveil the development trends of the "Enterprise Informationization Eco".
14:00 p.m. – 17:00 p.m.
Shanghai New International Expo Center, Venue N2, Conference Area
"Shaping the Future" AIGC Theme Forum
The development of artificial intelligence is entering a new historic moment. General artificial intelligence and large models are unleashing creative capabilities through massive data learning, which may reshape human production and life. In the wave of technological innovation, what efforts are innovators making? What changes are happening in the industry? And what development opportunities will it bring?
